



1)   国际SCI期刊《Journal of Paleolimnology》主编(影响因子:2.0,2022.05-至今)

2)   EI期刊《湖泊科学》第七届编辑委员会委员(2019.12-2023.12

3)  《古地理学报》编辑委员会第六届委员会委员(2022-2025年;地球科学类“T1”级别刊物)

4)   PAGES(过去全球变化)组织Human Traces工作组共同负责人(2021-2023

5) 中国地理学会人类世与湖泊生态研究工作组副组长(2021.05-2023.05

6)   中国生态学会淡水生态专业委员会副主任委员(2017.06-至今)

7)   中国地理学会湖泊与湿地分会委员(2014.10 -至今)

8)   中国海洋湖沼学会湖泊分会常务理事(2016.11-至今)

9)   云南省地理学会第十一届理事会秘书长(2018.11-至今)

10)  云南省湿地保护专家委员会专家(2014.12-至今)

11)  云南省第三届国家公园专家委员会委员(2020.04-至今)

12)  云南师范大学学术委员会委员(2016.05-2020.05

13)  国际地理联合会生物地理委员会委员(IGU-Biogeography Commission, 2017.01-2020.08

14)  加拿大温莎大学兼职教授(2017.07 -2020.06, Adjunct Professor, University of Windsor, Canada


1)    云南省第十二届政协委员(2018-2022年)

2)    云南省留学生联谊会委员

3)    九三学社云南省委员会青年工作委员会委员

4)    九三学社云南师范大学委员会委员


1)   湖泊环境压力(如湖泊污染和气候变化)与生态效应评价

2)   喀斯特地区流域-湖泊-大气系统的碳--磷循环与耦合机制

3)   人类世与湖泊生态系统演化

4)   湖泊生物群落构建与食物网结构


2006-2011年:加拿大麦吉尔大学 (McGill University) 生物系博士后研究员,研究方向:湖泊藻类和无脊椎动物对营养物质、鱼类捕食和气候变化长期生态响应的定量研究

2003-2006年:爱尔兰利默瑞克大学 (University of Limerick) 理学博士 (2007年授予),自然地理学专业(论文题目:爱尔兰生态区基于古湖泊学方法的硅藻和枝角类-总磷转换函数及建立湖泊生态重建目标)




中国 (云南 2005-至今, 西北干旱区 1997-2003, 青海湖 2009-2010), 德国(2001), 爱尔兰(2003-2006), 美国 (阿拉斯加州 2006-2008年,俄勒冈州 2007), 加拿大(不列颠哥伦比亚省 2006-2008年,魁北克省 2007, 育空省 2008-2010)


1)  硅藻分析(包括分类学)

2)  枝角类分析(包括分类学)

3)  摇蚊分析(包括分类学)

4)  介形类分析(包括分类学)

5)  生态与环境数据的统计分析(包括回归,聚类,多样性,多变量分析,空间和时间序列分析;主要软件包括 RMATLAB™)

6)  关系数据库的管理和应用(主要软件包括MS Access)

7)  熟练使用办公软件MS Office™ 和图像编辑(Adobe Illustrator);

8)  野外技术包括:水化学和水生生物采样,重力钻和活塞钻的湖泊沉积物提取,剖面采样


1)  20226月至20255月:主持云南省科技计划(社会发展领域)课题,课题名称:典型高原湖泊内源污染评估体系构建与防控技术集成(项目名称:高原浅水富营养化湖泊污染协同综合治理关键技术集成与示范,课题编号:202203AC100002-02,课题经费:280万元)

22022-06-10 2024-06-09:主持横向课题(委托方:云南省地矿测绘院),课题名称:异龙湖流域智慧监管平台建设(湖底底泥释放监测)(课题编号:无,课题经费:102万元)


42020-06-29 2021-06-28:主持横向课题(委托方:云南省地矿测绘院),课题名称:异龙湖底泥释放机制与水体生态环境评价(课题编号:2021ZWQ002,课题经费:98万元)

520201-202212月:主持云南省科技人才与平台计划,项目名称:云南省John P. Smol 院士工作站项目(180万元,项目批准号:202005AF150005

6 20181月至202112月:主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,课题名称:应用沉积物枝角类稳定同位素信号评价富营养化对湖泊有机碳源的长期影响(No.4177123970万元)



92014-1201612月:主持教育部科学技术研究项目,项目名称:低纬高原地区氮沉降的时空分布特征及长期生态效应评价 (No. 213034A, 50万元)

102012-920159月:主持云南省中青年学术技术带头人(后备人才)培养计划,培养方向:湖泊生态(No. 2012HB012, 12万元人民币)

112012-12015-12:主持国家自然科学基金-云南联合基金重点项目,课题名称:过去两千年多重环境压力对云南湖泊环境的影响及驱动机制研究(No. U1133601, 235万元)



142011-01月至2015-12月:参加中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(专项名称:应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题),子课题名称:青藏高原中部兹格塘错过去2000年来温度变化(XDA05080402, 80万元人民币)



172011-012014-12:参加国家自然科学基金重点项目,课题名称:松嫩平原MIS3以来环境变化及突发气候事件研究 (基金号:41030102, 235万元人民币)

182008-102011-01: 主持加拿大气候和大气科学基金会(CFCAS) 项目, 课题名称: 北半球气候趋势的异质性-评价冰川的调节作用(基金号:No. GR-7060; 20万加元)

192006-102008-10: 主持美国GordonBetty Moore基金会项目, 课题名称: 三文鱼带来的营养物质作为湖泊藻类和枝角类群落驱动器(20万美元)

202003-052006-10: 主持爱尔兰国家环保局项目,课题名称:爱尔兰生态区基于古湖泊学方法的硅藻和枝角类-总磷转换函数及建立湖泊生态重建目标(基金号:No. 2002-W-LS/72002_PHD2_34; 7.5


1)  2017年:获得云南省中青年学术带头人称号(证书编号:2017PY14,云南省人民政府)
2)  2015年:获得中组部“西部之光”访问学者称号
3)  2014年:云南师范大学“红云园丁奖”一等奖
4)  2014年:获得第二届全国青年教师教学竞赛三等奖
5)  2014年:入选中组部“西部之光”访问学者计划(接受单位:中国科技大学)
6)  2013年:入选云南省高等学校卓越青年教师特殊培养项目
7)  2012年:入选云南省科技厅第十五批省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才
8)  2011年:入选云南省引进高层次人才(二等奖)
9)  2011年:获得美国ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Early Career Travel Award
1. Chen GJ*, Yang, X., & Smol, J. P. (2022). Linking paleoecology with paleolimnology: evaluating ecological shifts, human impacts and monsoon climate from sediment signals in East Asia. Journal of Paleolimnology, 68(1), 1-6. (SCI期刊)

2. 索旗, 陈光杰, 孔令阳*, 徐会明, 李静, 张涛, 王露, 周起, 郑昕 (2022) 云南云龙天池枝角类群落演替对1950s以来人类活动影响信号的识别. 湖泊科学 34:1735–1750

3. 王露, 陈光杰*, 黄林培, 孔令阳, 李蕊, 韩桥花, 李平, 索旗, 周起 (2022) 近百年来湖泊有机碳与无机碳埋藏响应流域开发的协同变化—以石林喀斯特地区为例. 湖泊科学 34:1751–1764

4. 索旗, 陈光杰, 孔令阳*, 徐会明, 李静, 张涛, 王露, 周起, 郑昕 (2022) 云南云龙天池枝角类群落演替对1950s以来人类活动影响信号的识别. 湖泊科学 34:1735–1750

5. 陈蓉, 王明果, 黄林培, 郭雯, 李蕊, 王教元, 陈光杰 (2022) 滇池浮游植物碳氮同位素时空分布特征及其影响因子分析. 中国环境科学 1–14 (EI期刊)

6. 郭雯, 黄林培, 王明果, 陈子栋, 赵帅营, 孔令阳, 陈光杰 (2022) 不同组织碳、氮元素含量和同位素分馏特征研究——以抚仙湖草鱼、鱇浪白鱼为例. 中国环境科学 42:345–355 (EI期刊)

7. Liu, Y., Chen, G.*, Meyer-Jacob, C., Huang, L., Liu, X., Huang, G. et al. (2021). Land-use and climate controls on aquatic carbon cycling and phototrophs in karst lakes of southwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 751, 141738. (SCI)

8. Klamt, A.-M., Qian, F., Hu, K., Wang, J., Huang, L., Li, R., & Chen, G.* (2021). The rise and fall of primary producers and consumers in a multiply-stressed shallow lake (Lake Qilu, China) over the last 200 years. Ecological Indicators, 129, 107891(SCI期刊)

9. Hu, L., Li, Y., Leppänen, J. J., Chen, G., Lang, W., Wang, X. et al. (2021). Human impacts on the cladoceran community of Jili Lake, arid NW China, over the past century. Journal of Paleolimnology, 10.1007/s10933-021.(SCI期刊)

10. Li, Y., Hu, L., Zhao, Y., Wang, H., Huang, X., Chen, G. et al. (2021). Meltwater‐Driven Water‐Level Fluctuations of Bosten Lake in Arid China Over the Past 2,000 Years. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(2), 10.1029/2020GL090988. (SCI期刊)

11. 陈子栋,黄林培,陈丽,梁红,刘园园,陈小林,张涛,陈光杰. (2021). 云南4个湖泊浮游生物碳、氮稳定同位素的季节变化及其影响因子. 湖泊科学, 33(3), 761-773. (EI期刊)

12. 尚丽, 陈丽, 张涛, 郑昕, 赵帅营, 孔令阳, 陈光杰 (2021) 长期砷胁迫下大屯海浮游植物群落的季节性特征及其驱动因子. 应用生态学报 32:1845–1853 (核心期刊)

13. 胡文渊, 赵帅营, 张涛, 陈丽, 陈光杰 (2021) 砷污染下阳宗海浮游动物群落特征及其影响因素. 生态学杂志 40:3195–3204 (核心期刊)

14. 韩桥花, 陈小林, 陈光杰,孔令阳*,李蕊,王露 (2021). 水文气候波动下云南太平水库 硅藻群落演替的长期特征. 应用生态学报, 32(2), 661-671. (核心期刊)

15. Gao, Y., Yang, L., Mei, Y., Chu, Z., Yang, W., Xu, Q., Chen, G. *, Xie, Z. *, and Sun, L. *, 2020. Ice Sheet Changes and GIA-Induced Surface Displacement of the Larsemann Hills During the Last 50 kyr. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125(10) e2020JB020167. (SCI)

16. Gauthier, J., I. Gregory-Eaves, L. Bunting, P. R. Leavitt, T. Tran, L. Godbout, B. P. Finney, D. E. Schindler, G. Chen, G. Holtgrieve, M. Shapley, and D. T. Selbie. 2020. Ecological dynamics of a peri-urban lake: a multi-proxy paleolimnological study of Cultus Lake (British Columbia) over the past ~ 200 years. Journal of Paleolimnology (SCI)

17. Liu, X., Shi, Z., Huang, G., Bo, Y., and Chen, G., 2020. Time Series Remote Sensing Data-Based Identification of the Dominant Factor for Inland Lake Surface Area Change: Anthropogenic Activities or Natural Events. Remote Sensing 12(4) 612 (SCI)

18. Cheng, B., Liu, J., Chen, S., Zhang, Z., Shen, Z., Yan, X., Li, F., Chen, G., Zhang, X., Wang, X., and Chen, J., 2020. Impact of Abrupt Late Holocene Monsoon Climate Change on the Status of an Alpine Lake in North China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125(4) e2019JD031877 (SCI)

19. Dandan Wang, Lingyang Kong, Jiaoyuan Wang, Linpei Huang, Yuanyuan Liu, Guangjie Chen* (2020). Spatio-temporal patterns of cladoceran community responses to water level variation in Haixi Lake, southwest China. Inland Waters 10(2): 267–282 (SCI)

20. Klamt, Anna-Marie, Hu Kui, Huang Linpei, Chen Xiaolin, Liu Xiaolong, and Chen Guangjie*. (2020) An extreme drought event homogenises the diatom composition of two shallow lakes in southwest China. Ecological Indicators 108: 105662. (SCI)

21. Li, F., Liu, J., Chen, G., Kong, L., & Zhang, X. (2020). A rapid late Holocene lake ecosystem shift driven by climate change: evidence from the first cladoceran record from an alpine lake in northern China. Science Bulletin, 65(4), 253-256.

22. 刘园园, 陈光杰*, 黄林培, 陈子栋, 黄广才, 刘晓龙, & 李蕊. (2020). 云南程海湖泊系统响应富营养化与水文调控的长期模式. 应用生态学报, 31(5), 1725-1734.(核心期刊)

23. 刘晓曦, 陈丽*, 蒋伊能, 尚丽, 张涛, 李蕊, 赵帅营,陈光杰, 2020. 抚仙湖浮游植物群落时空变化特征及其与环境因子的关系. 湖泊科学 32(3) 793–803. (EI期刊)

24. 张涛, 陈丽, 刘晓曦, 尚丽, 刘园园, 王纯波, 赵帅营, 陈光杰 (2020) 云南中部和南部湖泊夏季浮游植物空间分布及其影响因子. 生态学杂志 39:3350–3362

25. Wang, Lei, Guangjie Chen*, Yuanyuan Liu, Rui Li, Lingyang Kong, Linpei Huang, Jiaoyuan Wang, Linda Kimpe, E., and Jules Blais, M. (2019). Environmental legacy and catchment erosion modulate sediment records of trace metals in alpine lakes of southwest China. Environmental Pollution 254, no. Pt B: 113090. (SCI期刊)

26. Kui Hu, Guangjie Chen*, Irene Gregory-Eaves, Linpei Huang, Xiaolin Chen, Yuanyuan Liu, Peter R. Leavitt (2019) Hydrological fluctuations modulate phototrophic responses to nutrient fertilization in a large and shallow lake of Southwest China. Aquatic Sciences 81:37 (SCI)

27. Wengang Kang, Guangjie Chen*, Jiaoyuan Wang, Linpei Huang, Lei Wang, Rui Li, Kui Hu, Yuanyuan Liu, Jianshuang Tao, Jules M Blais, and John P Smol (2019) Assessing the Impact of Long-Term Changes in Climate and Atmospheric Deposition on a Shallow Alpine Lake from Southeast Tibet. Science of The Total Environment 650: 713-724. (SCI期刊)

28. Wang, Jiaoyuan, Guangjie Chen*, Wengang Kang, Kui Hu, and Lei Wang (2019) Impoundment Intensity Determines Temporal Patterns of Hydrological Fluctuation, Carbon Cycling and Algal Succession in a Dammed Lake of Southwest China. Water Research 148: 162-175. (SCI期刊)

29. 张涛, 蒋伊能, 陈丽*, 刘术, 李朋富, 白宁静, 刘晓曦, 陈小林, 赵帅营, 陈光杰 (2019). 阳宗海浮游植物和浮游细菌群落的空间分布特征. 水生态学杂志 40(4) 65–74. (核心期刊)

30. 白宁静, 陈丽*, 蒋伊能, 张涛, 刘术, 刘晓曦, 李天丽, 赵帅营, 陈光杰(2019)阳宗海砷污染背景下浮游植物的时空分布特征及其驱动因子解析. 湖泊科学 31(1): 147-158(EI期刊)

31. Lei Wang, Guangjie Chen*, Wengang Kang, Jiaoyuan Wang, Yuanyuan Liu, Li Chen (2018) Sediment evidence of industrial leakage-induced asynchronous changes in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and trace metals from a sub-trophic lake, southwest China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25:13035-13047 (SCI)

32. Chen, J., Liu, J., Xie, C., Chen, G., Chen, J., Zhang, Z., Zhou, A., Rühland, K.M., Smol, J.P., and Chen, F., 2018. Biogeochemical responses to climate change and anthropogenic nitrogen deposition from a ∼200-year record from Tianchi Lake, Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary International 493: 22–30 (SCI)

33. 钱福明,张恺,陈光杰*,尹永鑫,王教元,胡葵(2018)杞麓湖沉积物记录的近现代生态环境变化及影响因子识别. 湖泊科学30(4): 1109-1122(EI期刊)

34. 李蕊, 陈光杰*, 康文刚, 陈丽, 王教元, 陈小林, 刘园园, 冯钟, 张涛(2018)抚仙湖硅藻群落的时空变化特征及其与水环境的关系. 环境科学39:3168-3178(EI期刊)

35. 梁红, 黄林培*, 陈光杰, 康文刚, 刘园园, 王教元, 朱庆生, 刘术, 邓颖(2018) 滇东湖泊水生植物和浮游生物的碳、氮稳定同位素与元素组成特征. 湖泊科学30(5): 1400-1412(EI期刊)

36. 王教元, 陈光杰*, 康文刚, 胡葵, 陈小林, 吴飞红, 朱庆生, 冯钟, 梁红(2018)硅藻功能群特征揭示的海西海近现代生态环境变化. 应用生态学报 29(9):3120-3130(核心期刊)

37. 朱庆生, 孔令阳*, 陈丽, 王晓, 王教元, 康文刚, 李蕊, 梁红, 陈光杰(2018)云南浅水湖泊表层沉积物记录的枝角类群落空间分布特征. 应用生态学报29 (9):3111-3119(核心期刊)

38. 冯钟, 赵帅营*, 陈丽, 李蕊, 朱庆生, 张涛,陈光杰 (2018). 抚仙湖浮游动物群落分布特征及其影响因子分析. 云南师范大学学报(自然科学版) 38(5): 56-65.

39. Yuanyuan Liu, Guangjie Chen*, Kui Hu, Haibin Shi, Linpei Huang, Xiaolin Chen, Huibin Lu, Shuaiying Zhao & Li Chen (2017) Biological responses to recent eutrophication and hydrologic changes in Xingyun Lake, southwest China. Journal of Paleolimnology 57(4): 343–360 (SCI)

40. Meng, L.-H., J. Yang, W. Guo, B. Tian, G.-J. Chen, Y.-P. Yang, and Y.-W. Duan. 2017. Differentiation in drought tolerance mirrors the geographic distributions of alpine plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and adjacent highlands. Scientific Reports 7:42466 (SCI)

41. 王教元,陈光杰*,黄林培,刘晓东,陈倩倩,刘晓海,张虎才(2017)洱海蓝藻爆发的时空特征与影响因子识别。生态学报37(14): 4831-4842 (核心期刊)

42. 胡葵, 陈光杰*, 黄林培, 陈小林, 刘园园, 卢慧斌, 陶建霜, 康文刚 (2017) 浴仙湖沉积物记录的云南极端干旱事件与生态响应评价。水生生物学报  41(3):724-734(核心期刊)

43. 康文刚,陈光杰*,王教元,胡葵,陶建霜,刘园园,陈小林,黄林培,赵帅营(2017)大理西湖流域开发历史与硅藻群落变化的模式识别。应用生态学报28(3):1001-1012(核心期刊)

44. 沈吉, 谢平, 陈光杰, 杨军, 焦立新, 周起超, 王荣, 陈嵘, 张科, 沈 宏, 王磊 (2017). 我国季风区湖泊生态系统长期演变机理与生态安全. 中国基础科学, (06), 36:40-46.

45. Shi H, Chen G*, Lu H, Wang J, Huang L, Wang L, Zhao S, Liu X (2016) Regional pattern of Bosmina responses to fish introduction and eutrophication in four large lakes from Southwest China. Journal of Plankton Research 38(3): 443-455 (SCI)

46. Guo, W., J. Yang, X.-D. Sun, G.-J. Chen, Y.-P. Yang, and Y.-W. Duan. 2016. Divergence in Eco-Physiological Responses to Drought Mirrors the Distinct Distribution of Chamerion angustifolium Cytotypes in the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains Region. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:1329 (SCI)

47. 蒋伊能,张涛,陈丽*,李天丽,赵帅营,张虎才,陈光杰(2016)抚仙湖冬-春季浮游植物结构变化及其影响因子识别。海洋湖沼通报 153(6):87-98(核心期刊)

48. 陶建霜,陈光杰*,陈小林,陈丽,刘园园,施海彬,胡葵,王教元,康文刚(2016)阳宗海硅藻群落对水体污染和水文调控的长期响应模式。地理研究 35(10): 1899-1911(核心期刊)

49. 刘园园,陈光杰*,施海彬,陈小林,卢慧斌,段立曾,张虎才,张文翔(2016)星云湖硅藻群落响应近现代人类活动与气候变化的过程。生态学报36(10): 3063-3073(核心期刊)

50. 卢慧斌,陈光杰*,蔡燕凤,王教元,陈小林,段立曾,张虎才(2016)近百年来枝角类群落响应洱海营养水平、外来鱼类引入以及水生植被变化的特征。湖泊科学28(1): 132-140(核心期刊)

51. 杨娅楠,王金亮,陈光杰,习晓环,王成(2016)抚仙湖流域土地利用格局与水质变化关系。国土资源遥感 28(1): 259-265(核心期刊)

52. Chen GJ*, Shi H, Tao J, Chen L, Liu Y, Lei G, Liu X, Smol JP (2015) Industrial arsenic contamination causes catastrophic changes in freshwater ecosystems. Scientific Reports 5: 17419 (SCI)

53. Zhang W, Niu J*, Ming Q, Chen G, Shi Z, Long X (2015) Spatial-temporal variations of phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen of Baoxiang River, Dianchi Lake catchment. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28:1-9 (SCI)

54. 施海彬 陈光杰*,刘园园,卢慧斌,陈小林,段立曾,张虎才 (2015) 星云湖枝角类群落变化的长期特征与驱动因素分析. 生态学杂志34(9):2464-2473 (核心期刊)

55. 陶健霜, 陈光杰*, 陈小林,刘园园,卢慧斌, 胡葵 (2015) 多重环境压力下大屯海硅藻群落结构的长期变化. 应用生态学报 26(8):2525-2533 (核心期刊)

56. 陈小林, 陈光杰*, 卢慧斌, 刘晓东, 张虎才(2015) 抚仙湖和滇池硅藻生物多样性与生产力关系的时间格局. 生物多样性 23 (1): 89-100 (核心期刊)

57. 卢慧斌,陈光杰*,刘晓东,顾兆炎,张虎才,赵帅营,陈丽,陈小林,段立曾,张自强(2015)上行与下行效应对浮游动物的长期影响评价-以滇池与抚仙湖沉积物象鼻溞为例. 湖泊科学27(1): 67-75(核心期刊)

58. Chen G.J.*, Selbie, D.T., Griffiths, K., Sweetman, J., Botrel, M., Michelutti, N., Smol, J., Gregory-Eaves, I (2014). Proximity to ice field and lake depth as modulators of paleoclimatic records: A regional study from Southwest Yukon, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology 52:185-200 (SCI)

59. Wenxiang Zhang, Qingzhong Ming*, Zhengtao Shi, Guangjie Chen, Jie Niu, Guoliang Lei, Fengqin Chang, Hucai Zhang (2014) Lake Sediment Records on Climate Change and Human Activities in the Xingyun Lake Catchment, SW China. PLoS One 9(7): e102167 (SCI)

60. Dalton C*, O’Dwyer B, Taylor D, de Eyto E, Jennings E, Chen GJ, Poole R, Dillane M, McGinnity P (2014). Anthropocene environmental change in an internationally important oligotrophic catchment on the Atlantic seaboard of western Europe. Anthropocene 5:9-21 (SCI)

61. Liu L, Yang J*, Yu X, Chen GJ, Yu Z (2013) Patterns in the composition of microbial communities from a subtropical river: effects of environmental, spatial and temporal factors. PLoS One 8: e8123 (SCI)

62. Zhang H, Paijmans JL*, Chang F, Wu X, Chen GJ, Lei C, Yang X, Wei Z, Bradley DG, Orlando L, O'Connor T, Hofreiter M (2013) Morphological and genetic evidence for early Holocene cattle management in northeastern China. Nature Communications 4:275 (SCI)

63. Wenxiang Zhang, Zhengtao Shi*, Guangjie Chen, Yong Liu, Jie Niu, Qingzhong Ming, Huai Su (2013). Geochemical characteristics and environmental significance of Talede loess–paleosol sequences of Ili Basin in Central Asia. Environmental Earth Sciences: 70: 2191-2202 (SCI)

64. Lauren A. Rogers*, Daniel E. Schindler, Peter J. Lisi, Gordon W. Holtgrieve, Peter R. Leavitt, Lynda Bunting, Bruce P. Finney, Daniel T. Selbie, Guangjie Chen, Irene Gregory-Eaves, Mark J. Lisac, Patrick B. Walsh (2013). Centennial-scale fluctuations and regional complexity characterize Pacific salmon population dynamics over the last five centuries. PNAS 110(5): 1750-1755 (SCI)

65. Cai Y, Zhang H*, Chen GJ, Duan L, Zhang Z, Wang X, Li H (2013) The Research Status and Problems on Ecology and Environment of Lake Erhai. Advances in Geosciences 3:241-25(核心期刊)

66. 张淑萍, 张虎才*, 陈光杰, 常凤琴, 蔡燕凤, 郑茜 (2012). 1973-2010年青藏高原西部昂拉仁错流域气候、冰川变化与湖泊响应. 冰川冻土 34(2): 267-276(核心期刊)

67. Holtgrieve, G.W.*, Schindler, D.E., Hobbs, W.O., Leavitt, P.R., Ward, E.J., Bunting, L., Chen, G.J., Finney, B.P., Gregory-Eaves, I., Holmgren, S., Lisac, M.J., Lisi, P.J., Nydick, K., Rogers, L.A., Saros, J.E., Selbie, D.T., Shapley, M.D., Walsh, P.B. & Wolfe, A.P. (2011). A coherent fingerprint of anthropogenic N deposition to remote watersheds of the Northern Hemisphere Science 334 (6062): 1545-1548 (SCI)

68. Chen G.J.*, Selbie, D.T., Griffiths, K., Sweetman, J., Botrel, M., Michelutti, N., Smol, J., Gregory-Eaves, I (2011). Spatio-temporal distributions of sedimentary chironomids from southwestern Yukon lakes and their relationships with environmental conditions. Geohydro 2011: Joint Meeting of the Canadian Quaternary Association and the Canadian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. August 28-31, 2011. Quebec City, Quebec.

69. Chen, G.J.*, Selbie, D.T., Schindler, D.E., Bunting, L., Leavitt, P.R., Finney, B.P., Gregory-Eaves, I (2011). Long-term zooplankton responses to nutrient and consumer subsidies arising from migratory sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Oikos 120: 1317-1326 (SCI)

70. F. Q. Chang, H. C. Zhang*, Q. Z. Ming, G. J. Chen, W. X. Zhang, Z. T. Shi, Z. D. Feng (2011). AMS radiocarbon dating problems between 10 and 8 ka BP in lacustrine deposits from lake Gun Nur, northern Mongolia. Radiocarbon 53(3): 501-509 (SCI)

71. Chen, G.J.*, Saulnier-Talbot, E., Selbie, D.T., Brown, E., Schindler, Bunting, L., Leavitt, P.R., Schindler, D.E., Finney, B.P., Gregory-Eaves, I (2011). Salmon-derived nutrients drive diatom beta-diversity patterns. Freshwater Biology 56: 292-301 (SCI)

72. Wenxiang Zhang, Zhengtao Shi*, Hucai Zhang, Qingzhong Ming, Fengqin Chang, Guoliang Lei, Guangjie Chen, Ming Dong: Elemental geochemistry and paleoenvironment evolution of Shell Bar section at Qarhan in the Qaidam Basin, China. IGARSS 2011: 2221-2224

73. 常凤琴,张虎才*,雷国良, 蒲阳, 陈光杰, 张文翔, 杨伦庆. 湖相沉积物锶同位素和相关元素的地球化学行为及其在古气候重建中的应用—以柴达木盆地贝壳堤剖面为例. 第四纪研究, 2010,30(5): 962-971(核心期刊)

74. Albert, MR*, Chen G.J., MacDonald GK, Vermaire J, Bennett EM and Gregory-Eaves I. (2010) Phosphorus and land-use changes are significant drivers of cladoceran community composition and diversity: An analysis over spatial and temporal scales. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67: 1262-1273 (SCI)

75. Chen, G.J.*, C. Dalton, and D. Taylor (2010). Cladocera as indicators of trophic state in Irish lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology 44: 465-481 (SCI)

76. Selbie, D. T.*, Finney, B. P., Barto, D., Bunting, L., Chen, G.J., Leavitt, P. R., et al. (2009). Ecological, landscape, and climatic regulation of sediment geochemistry in North American sockeye salmon nursery lakes: Insights for paleoecological salmon investigations. Limnology and Oceanography 54(5): 1733-1745 (SCI)

77. Leira, M.*, Chen, G.J., Dalton, C., Irvine, K., Taylor, D. (2009). Patterns in freshwater diatom taxonomic distinctness along an eutrophication gradient. Freshwater Biology 54: 1-14 (SCI)

78. 张虎才*,王强,彭金兰,陈光杰. 柴达木察尔汗盐湖贝壳堤剖面介形类组合及其环境意义. 第四纪研究, 2008, 28(1): 103-111(核心期刊)

79. Chen, G.J.*, Dalton, C., Leira, M, Taylor, D. (2008). Diatom-based total phosphorus (TP) and pH transfer functions for the Irish Ecoregion. Journal of Paleolimnology 40:143-163 (SCI)

80. Taylor, D.*, Dalton, C., Leira, M., Jordan, P., Chen, G.J., et al., 2006. Recent histories of six productive lakes in the Irish Ecoregion based on multiproxy palaeolimnological evidence. Hydrobiologia 571:237-259 (SCI)

81. Zhang, H.C.*, Peng, J.L., Ma, Y.Z., Chen, G.J., Feng, Z.D., et al., 2004. Late Quaternary paleolake levels in Tengger Desert, NW China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 21: 45-58 (SCI)

82. Wünnemann, B.*, Chen, F.H., Riedel, F., Zhang, C.J., Mischke, S., Chen, G.J., et al., 2003. Holocene lake deposits of Bosten Lake, southern Xinjiang, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 48: 429-1432 (SCI)

83. Zhang, H.C.*, Wünnemann, B., Ma, Y.Z., Peng, J.L., Pachur, H.-J., Li, J.J., Qi, Y., Chen, G.J., et al, 2002. Lake Level and Climate Changes Between 42,000 and 18,000 14C yr B.P. in the Tengger Desert, Northwestern China. Quaternary Research 58: 62-72 (SCI)

84. Zhang, H.C.*, Ma, Y.Z., Peng, J.L., Li, J.J., Cao, J.X., Qi, Y., Chen, G.J., et al., 2002. Paleolimnology and paleoenvironment of Tengger Desert during 42-18 ka BP. Chinese Science Bulletin 47: 1847-1857 (SCI)

85. Zhang, H.C.*, Li, J.J., Ma, Y.Z., Qi, Y., Chen, G.J., Fang, H.B., 2001. Palaeolake evolution and abrupt climate changes during Last Glacial Period in NW China. Geophysical Research Letters 28: 3203-3206 (SCI)


Dalton, C., Taylor, D., Leira, M.,Chen, G.J., Jordan, P., Irvine, K., Bennion, H., Magee, E., 2005. IN-SIGHT EPA/ERTDI Project # 2002-W-LS/7 Work Package (WP) 3 (months 21-36). Dept. of Geography, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Ireland


Journal of Paleolimnology (副主编,2014年-至今;影响因子:2.3), PNAS, Water Research, Chemosphere, Science of the Total Environment, Scientific Reports, Ecology, Ecosystems, Freshwater Biology, Ecological Indicators, Hydrobiologia, Journal of Plankton Research, Inland Waters, Fundamental and Applied Limnology, Journal of Limnology, International Review of Hydrobiology, Diatom Research, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, The Holocene, Quaternary Science Review, Quaternary International, Science China-Earth, Journal of Environmental Science, PloS One, J Asian Earth Sciences






1. 2011水下声学探测技术应用与数据分析培训班,武汉,中科院水生生物研究所,2011年11月14-15日

2. Learn to Teach workshop on 13th November 2010 at McGill University, Montreal, Canada

3. Wilderness First Aid course on 28-29th March 2008 in Montreal, Canada

4. MATLAB™ Recipes in Earth Sciences (by Dr. Martin Trauth, University of Postdam) on 25-29th February 2008 in Ludwig University, Munich, Germany

5. Recent Advances In Spatial Analysis: Theory and Practice (by Prof. Pierre Legendre (U. de Montréal) and Prof. Pedro Peres-Neto (UQÀM)) on 15th August 2007 in Montreal, Canada

6. Numerical Analyses of Biological and Environmental Data course at Environmental




1. 第34届国际湖沼学大会(协办单位),2018年8月19日至24日,中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,报告题目:A lake of two stories: insights from multi-basin paleolimnological studies for evaluating social-ecological system shift

2. 中国第四纪大会,2018年11月3-5日,青岛,报告题目:大气沉降与气候变化对高山浅水湖泊生态环境的影响

3. “人类世以来淡水社会-生态系统弹性变化”国际研讨会,报告题目:Community shift and ecosystem stability in arsenic-contaminated lakes of Southwest China,2017年7月8-10日,中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所

4. International Workshop on“Earth System Science in Yunnan: Preliminary Initiatives”, title: Spatio-temporal patterns of recent changes in lake environment and ecosystem stability in Yunnan, May 26-June 10 2017, Yunnan University

5. 区域资源环境与“一带一路”学术研讨会,2016年11月24-26日,云南保山(报告题目:云南湖泊污染的特征识别与长期生态响应模式)

6. 第15届中国生态学大会,2016年8月25-26日,兰州(报告题目:云南湖泊污染的长期生态响应模式)

7. 第33届国际地理大会,2016年8月21-24日,北京(报告题目:A multi-scale perspective on diatom biogeography and biodiversity dynamics in Southwest China)

8. 第33届国际湖沼学大会,2016年7月30日-8月5日,意大利都灵(报告题目:Arsenic contamination overrides eutrophication in causing catastrophic changes in lake ecosystems)

9. 第13届国际古湖沼大会(协办单位),2015年8月4-7日,兰州大学(特约报告,报告题目:Paleolimnology in the Anthropocene world: sediment evidences from highly stressed lakes in Southwest China)

10. 第一届中国生态学会淡水生态学专业委员工作会议, 2014年11月28-29日,广州

11. 第23届国际硅藻大会(协办单位),2014年9月7-12日,南京(会场主席;报告题目:Diatom responses to the long-term impacts of multiple stressors in lakes from southwest China)

12. 第13届中国生态学大会,2014年9月18-19日,沈阳

13. “海峡两岸地貌与第四纪环境演变教育”研讨会,2013年10月12-19日,昆明(云南师范大学承办)

14. “亚洲季风高分辨率记录、演化、机制及其与人类生存环境的相互作用”学术研讨会, 2012 年 10 月 27~28 日, 昆明(云南师范大学承办)

15. 第一届中国淡水生态大会,2013年7月1-5日, 广州,暨南大学(协办单位)

16. 第12届国际古湖沼学大会,2012年8月21-24日,英国格拉斯哥大学(报告题目:Can taxonomic and functional classifications provide similar insight into the productivity-diversity relationship? A paleolimnological perspective)

17. “高低纬/陆海气相互作用的地质历史记录与现代观测”全国学术会议,2012年4月9-10日,福州(福建师范大学承办)

18. 第7届国际浅水湖泊会议,2011年4月24日-28日,无锡(中科院南京地理与湖泊所承办)

19. 第十八届国际环境指标大会,13-16th September 2010 in USTC, Hefei, China, 中国科技大学主办

20. 3rd Ontario-Québec Paleolimnology Symposium (PALS) on 13-15th May 2010 in Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

21. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Summer Meeting on 8-13th June 2008 in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

22. 30th Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (SIL) on 12th-18th August 2007 in Montreal, Canada

23. GRIL meeting on 1st -3rd March 2007 in Quebec, Canada

24. 7th International Symposium on Cladocera on 4-8th September 2005 in Herzberg, Switzerland

25. Conference of Irish Geographers on 7-9th May 2004 in National University of Ireland, Maynooth

26. 5th Irish Postgraduate Training Conference for Geography on 20-22nd February 2004 in Wicklow, Ireland


1. 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Dublin, Ireland, 25th-31st July 2019 (poster, entitled: Regional heterogeneity in the sediment signals of atmospheric deposition in alpine lakes of southeast Tibet)

2. “青藏高原隆升与气候环境变化、人地关系”学术研讨会暨李吉均院士八十华诞庆祝会,兰州大学

3. 2012 Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) 水科学大会, 2012年7月8-13日,日本大津市 (日本京都大学主办)

4. GeoHydro 2011 (Water and earth: The junction of Quaternary Geoscience and Hydrogeology), Quebec City, Canada, August 28-31st, 2011

5. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Aquatic Sciences Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 13-18th, 2011

6. Applications of Paleolimnology to Sockeye Salmon Nursery Lakes and Ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska on 8th-9th October 2008 in Victoria, Canada

7. Society of Canadian Limnologists (SCL) annual meeting on 4th–6th January 2007 in Montreal, Canada

8. GRIL meeting on 3rd-5th March 2006 in Quebec, Canada

9. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Doctoral Scholarship Seminar on 29th September 2005 in EPA Headquarter, Ireland

10. 15th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium on 28-30th January 2005 in Technology Institute of Sligo, Ireland

11. British Diatomists’ Meeting on 22-24th October 2004 in University of Bristol, UK

12. Annual meeting of National Commission for Hydrobiology (Royal Irish Academy) on 2-3rd October 2003 in Dublin


1. 莫斯科大学-北京理工大学国际联合硕士项目课程讲座,2021年4月8日,题目:Limnology and Paleolimnoloy-an aquatic perspective on Anthropocene(英文)

2. 第十八届中国生态学大会,2019年11月29日-12月1日,昆明,分会场(29.高原湖泊生态保护)共同召集人

3. 2019年中国地理学大会,2019年11月1-3日,北京,分会场共同主持人

4. 第二届中国生态学会淡水生态学专业委员工作会议(承办), 2017年6月6-9日,云南师范大学

5. 第十二届国际生态学大会(INTECOL),2017年8月20-25日,北京,分会场共同主持人

6. 华南师范大学地理科学学院,2015年11月30日,广州

7. 第八届现代生态学讲座 2015年6月1-14日,天津

8. Invited talk at Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 22nd November 2012

9. 邀请口头报告,“湖泊环境与生态系统的长期变化过程与机制研究-古湖泊学方法的应用”,中国科技大学地球与空间学院,2012年10月30日(中国科技大学研究生院名家讲座系列,视频连接:http://wlkt.ustc.edu.cn/courseShow.asp?courseId=1196)

10. Invited talk at State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai, 23rd December 2011

11. Invited talk at Institute of Hydrobiology, Jinan University, Guangzhou, 22th September 2011

12. Invited talk at Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences on 24th July 2009

13. Ecology and Evolution Lunch (EEL) Seminar of Department of Biology, McGill Univers-ity on 12th November 2008

14. Invited talk at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières scheduled on 31st January 2008

15. Aquatic seminar of Department of Biology, McGill University on 17th October 2007

16. Aquatic seminar of Department of Biology, McGill University on 18th November 2006


1. 人类世与沉积学研讨会,2015年9月,中国科技大学地球与空间学院

2. Paleolimnology Workshop with researcher partners from Yunnan Normal University, Department of Oceans and Fisheries, and McGill University, Canada, at Vancouver, Canada, 12th -14th November 2012

3. Paleolimnology Workshop with CAS Einstein Professor John Smol, University of Science and Technology of China, 29th-31st October 2012, USTC, Hefei, China

4. Ad hoc chair for International Workshop on Heavy Metals in Aquatic Systems, Kunming, 19th April 2012

5. Sino-German Geo-Alumni-Net in China 2011 workshop (sponsored by DAAD), Institute of Geochemistry, CAS, Guiyang, 26th-27th November 2011

6. Synthetic analysis of long-term changes in sockeye salmon abundance across the North Pacific on April 16-17th 2008 in Vancouver, Canada

7. Synthetic analysis of long-term changes in sockeye salmon abundance across the North Pacific on April 11th-14th 2007 in National Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) in Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.

8. Regular workshops with Dr. Manel Leira (Trinity College Dublin) on diatom analysis, and Dr. Ken Irvine (Trinity College Dublin) and Dr. Elvira de Eyto (Marine Institute) on Cladocera analysis during 2003-2006 in Ireland

9. 7th Subfossil Cladocera Workshop on 2-3rd September 2005 in Herzberg, Switzerlandnd


1. 华南师范大学地理科学学院,20164月,报告题目:云南湖泊生态环境的现状与变化历史。

2. Two days at University of Florida at Gainsville, in March 2014;

3. One week at University of South Florida at St.Petersburg, in Feburary 2014;

4. One week at University of Science and Technology of China, in November 2011;

5. One week at Department of Biology, McGill University, Canada in March 2006;

6. Two weeks at Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Yunnan Normal University, China in July 2005;

7. Three months at Institute of Geographical sciences, Free University Berlin, Germany in 2001;

8. Three months at Tianjin Center of China Geological Survey during 1999-2000;

9. Three months at Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, CAS in 1998.9. Three months at Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, CAS in 1998.



1)  2019-2021学年第一学期:主讲《地球系统科学》,36学时,自然地理专业博士研究生(一年级)

2)  2019-2021学年第二学期:主讲《地理数学方法》,36学时,2学分必修,自然地理专业硕士研究生(一年级)

3)  2016-2019学年第二学期:主讲《水资源与水环境》,36学时,2学分选修,自然地理学硕士、博士研究生(一年级)

4)  2012-2021学年第一学期:参加《自然地理学原理和方法》课程(湖沼学与科学论文写作部分),3学时,旅地学院2013级硕士研究生(一年级)

5)  2012-2016学年下学期:参加《自然地理环境数据采集与处理》课程(湖沼学数据部分),3学时,自然地理专业硕士研究生(一年级)


1)  2016-2021学年第一学期:《湖沼学》,51学时,2学分选修,地理科学专业(三年级)

2)  2013-2014学年第一学期:《计量地理学》,44学时,2学分选修,2013级自然地理与资源环境专业

3)  2013-16学年第一学期:《全球变化》,44学时,2学分选修,地理科学专业(三年级)


1.  Co-leader, Joint fieldwork on Plateau lakes (YNNU, Free University Berlin, Nanjing University), 16th March-1st April 2012, Yunnan, China

2.  Paleolimnology lecture for the undergraduate and graduate Limnology course (BIOL 432/632) of Biology Department, McGill University on 4th October 2010;

3.  Paleolimnology lecture for the undergraduate Limnology course (BIOL 308) of Biology Department, McGill University on 19th November 2007;

4.  Field course assistant for the undergraduate Limnology course (BIOL 308) of Biology Department, McGill University during 28th-30th September 2007;

5.  Field course assistant for Applied Physical Geography (GY4734) at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick (UL), Ireland in Spring 2004 (by Dr. Catherine Dalton);

6.  Field course assistant for Applied Physical Geography (GY4734) of Mary Immaculate College, UL in Spring 2005 (by Dr. Catherine Dalton);

7.  Teaching assistant for the Global Environmental Change course in spring 2003 in Lanzhou University, China (by Dr. Jonathan Holmes of University College London).



Anna-Marie Klamt博士(南丹麦大学,201808-202010)

























Katherine Velghe (McGill大学, 2009-2012)

















1)     云南师范大学“大学生科研训练基金项目”:


吉家娇等(2011级测绘),“云南水生生物地理分布数字化及其与气候环境的关系”,校级重点项目KY20121631500 RMB


陶建霜,唐娜,刘丹霞(2010级地理科学B),“云南典型湖泊基础数据收集及水质变化分析”,校级重点项目KY2011521200 RMB)

2)     云南师范大学本科生毕业论文:





3)     加拿大麦吉尔大学学生指导:

  • NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award: Guillaume Pelletier (McGill, 2010); Katherine Velghe (McGill, 2009); Mark R. Albert (McGill, 2008)
  • Internship: Sebastien Knops (Msc, University of Namur, Belgium 2010)
  • Visiting student: Courtney Salm (Msc, University of Maine, USA 2009)
  • Honor thesis: Mark R. Albert (McGill, 2008); Katherine Velghe (McGill, 2009)
  • Work-study program: Weina Zhao (McGill, 2009-2010)







International Society of Limnology (SIL)

International Paleolimnology Association (IPA)

American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)

Ecological Society of America (ESA)

American Geophysical Union (AGU)


中文: 母语

英语: 熟练的听说读写

德语: 初级的听说读写

法语: 初级的听说读写

地址:云南省昆明市呈贡区聚贤街768号同析楼1幢  邮编:650500
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