已出版或接收的研究论文(* 通讯作者)

Yuanyuan Liu, Guangjie Chen*, Kui Hu, Haibin Shi, Linpei Huang, Xiaolin Chen, Huibin Lu, Shuaiying Zhao & Li Chen (2016) Heterogeneity in the biological responses to long-term impacts of eutrophication and hydrological changes in Xingyun Lake, Southwest China. Journal of Paleolimnology (accepted)

王教元,陈光杰*,黄林培,刘晓东,陈倩倩,刘晓海,张虎才(2017)洱海蓝藻爆发的时空特征与影响因子识别。生态学报37(14) DOI: 10.5846 / stxb201604200740(核心期刊)

胡葵, 陈光杰*, 黄林培, 陈小林, 刘园园, 卢慧斌, 陶建霜, 康文刚 (2017) 浴仙湖沉积物记录的云南极端干旱事件与生态响应评价。水生生物学报 (核心期刊)


蒋伊能,张涛,陈丽*,李天丽,赵帅营,张虎才,陈光杰(2016)抚仙湖冬-春季浮游植物结构变化及其影响因子识别。海洋湖沼通报 153(6):87-98

陶建霜,陈光杰*,陈小林,陈丽,刘园园,施海彬,胡葵,王教元,康文刚(2016)阳宗海硅藻群落对水体污染和水文调控的长期响应模式。地理研究 35(10): 1899-1911

Haibin Shi, Guangjie Chen*, Huibin Lu, Jiaoyuan Wang, Linpei Huang, Lei Wang, Shuaiying Zhao, Xiaohai Liu (2016) Regional pattern of Bosmina responses to fish introduction and eutrophication in four large lakes from Southwest China. Journal of Plankton Research (SCI).

卢慧斌, 陈光杰*, 蔡燕凤, 王教元, 陈小林, 段立曾, 张虎才(2016)近百年来枝角类群落响应洱海营养水平、外来鱼类引入以及水生植被变化的特征. 湖泊科学, 28(1):1-9. 

杨娅楠,王金亮,陈光杰,习晓环,王成(2016)抚仙湖流域土地利用格局与水质变化关系. 国土资源遥感, 28(1):259-265.

刘园园,陈光杰*,施海彬,陈小林,卢慧斌,段立曾,张虎才,张文翔(2016)星云湖硅藻群落响应近现代人类活动与气候变化的过程. 生态学报, 36(1):1-8.

Zhao S-Y*, Sun Y-P, Han B-P* (2015)Top-down effects of bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) and Leptodora richardi (Haplopoda, Leptodoridae) in a subtropical reservoir during the winter-spring transition: a mesocosm experiment. Hydrobiologia (SCI, doi: 10.1007/s10750-015-2398-7).

Chen GJ*, Shi H, Tao J, Chen L, Liu Y, Lei G, Liu X, Smol JP (2015) Industrial arsenic contamination causes catastrophic changes in freshwater ecosystems. Scientific Reports 5: 17419 (SCI).

Zhang W, Niu J, Ming Q, Chen G, Shi Z, Long X (2015) Spatial-temporal variations of phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen of Baoxiang River, Dianchi Lake catchment. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28:1-9.

施海彬, 陈光杰*, 刘园园, 卢慧斌, 陈小林, 段立曾, 张虎才 (2015) 星云湖枝角类群落变化的长期特征与驱动因素分析. 生态学杂志, 34(9):2464-2473.

陶建霜, 陈光杰*, 陈小林, 刘园园, 卢慧斌, 胡葵 (2015) 多重环境压力下大屯海硅藻群落结构的长期变化. 应用生态学报, 26(8):2525-2533.

陈小林, 陈光杰*, 卢慧斌, 刘晓东, 张虎才(2015) 抚仙湖和滇池硅藻生物多样性与生产力关系的时间格局. 生物多样性, 23 (1): 89-100.

卢慧斌, 陈光杰*, 刘晓东, 顾兆炎, 张虎才, 赵帅营, 陈丽,陈小林, 段立曾, 张自强(2015)上行与下行效应对浮游动物的长期影响评价-以滇池与抚仙湖沉积物象鼻溞为例. 湖泊科学, 27(1): 67-75.

Chen G.J.*, Selbie, D.T., Griffiths, K., Sweetman, J., Botrel, M., Michelutti, N., Smol, J., Gregory-Eaves, I (2014). Proximity to ice field and lake depth as modulators of paleoclimatic records: A regional study from Southwest Yukon, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology, 52:185-200.

Wenxiang Zhang, Qingzhong Ming, Zhengtao Shi, Guangjie Chen, Jie Niu, Guoliang Lei, Fengqin Chang, Hucai Zhang (2014) Lake Sediment Records on Climate Change and Human Activities in the Xingyun Lake Catchment, SW China. PLoS One, 9(7): e102167.

Dalton C, O’Dwyer B, Taylor D, de Eyto E, Jennings E, Chen GJ, Poole R, Dillane M, McGinnity P (2014). Anthropocene environmental change in an internationally important oligotrophic catchment on the Atlantic seaboard of western Europe. Anthropocene, 5:9-21.

Liu L, Yang J, Yu X, Chen GJ, Yu Z (2013) Patterns in the composition of microbial communities from a subtropical river: effects of environmental, spatial and temporal factors. PLoS One, 8: e8123 (SCI).

Zhang H, Paijmans JL, Chang F, Wu X, Chen GJ, Lei C, Yang X, Wei Z, Bradley DG, Orlando L,O'Connor T,Hofreiter M(2013) Morphological and genetic evidence for early Holocene cattle management in northeastern China. Nature Communications 4:275 (SCI).

Wenxiang Zhang, Zhengtao Shi, Guangjie Chen, Yong Liu, Jie Niu, Qingzhong Ming, Huai Su (2013). Geochemical characteristics and environmental significance of Talede loess–paleosol sequences of Ili Basin in Central Asia. Environmental Earth Sciences: 70: 2191-2202 (SCI).

Lauren A. Rogers, Daniel E. Schindler, Peter J. Lisi, Gordon W. Holtgrieve, Peter R. Leavitt, Lynda Bunting, Bruce P. Finney, Daniel T. Selbie, Guangjie Chen, Irene Gregory-Eaves, Mark J. Lisac, Patrick B. Walsh (2013).Centennial-scale fluctuations and regional complexity characterize Pacific salmon population dynamics over the last five centuries. PNAS 110(5): 1750-1755 (SCI).

Cai Y, Zhang H, Chen GJ, Duan L, Zhang Z, Wang X, Li H (2013) The Research Status and Problems on Ecology and Environment of Lake Erhai. Advances in Geosciences 3:241-25.

张淑萍, 张虎才, 陈光杰, 常凤琴, 蔡燕凤, 郑茜 (2012). 1973-2010年青藏高原西部昂拉仁错流域气候、冰川变化与湖泊响应. 冰川冻土, 34(2): 267-276(核心期刊).

Holtgrieve, G.W., Schindler, D.E., Hobbs, W.O., Leavitt, P.R., Ward, E.J., Bunting, L., Chen, G.J., Finney, B.P., Gregory-Eaves, I., Holmgren, S., Lisac, M.J., Lisi, P.J., Nydick, K., Rogers, L.A., Saros, J.E., Selbie, D.T., Shapley, M.D., Walsh, P.B. & Wolfe, A.P. (2011). A coherent fingerprint of anthropogenic N deposition to remote watersheds of the Northern Hemisphere Science 334 (6062) 1545-1548 (SCI).

Chen G.J., Selbie, D.T., Griffiths, K., Sweetman, J., Botrel, M., Michelutti, N., Smol, J., Gregory-Eaves, I (2011). Spatio-temporal distributions of sedimentary chironomids from southwestern Yukon lakes and their relationships with environmental conditions.Geohydro 2011: Joint Meeting of the Canadian Quaternary Association and the Canadian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. August 28-31, 2011. Quebec City, Quebec.

Chen, G.J., Selbie, D.T., Schindler, D.E., Bunting, L., Leavitt, P.R., Finney, B.P., Gregory-Eaves, I (2011). Long-term zooplankton responses to nutrient and consumer subsidies arising from migratory sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Oikos 120: 1317-1326 (SCI).

F. Q. Chang, H. C. Zhang, Q. Z. Ming, G. J. Chen, W. X. Zhang, Z. T. Shi, Z. D. Feng (2011). AMS radiocarbon dating problems between 10 and 8 ka BP in lacustrine deposits from lake Gun Nur, northern Mongolia. Radiocarbon 53(3): 501-509 (SCI).

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